AP Gallery Operations and Challenging World Events

This has been an unprecedent time worldwide with the rapidly changing Covid-19.  There is no doubt that Covid-19 is creating challenges for everyone, personally and professionally. People need to be sensible about their social interactions.  Uncertainty causes fear.  Don't be afraid, be informed, follow your local news for up to date and accurate information.  Common sense needs to prevail, be safe.

I would like to reassure you that we will continue to serve our customers in the days and weeks ahead.  Our products are made here in Saskatoon, Canada by us in a sanitized environment.  We usually ship our orders within a 24 hour period using Canada Post.  As long as Canada Post is operating, we will see no change in our delivery system.  If that changes, we will adapt and notify you of the alternative arrangements.

I hope you and your family are remaining safe and healthy.  If you have any questions about our products or shipping please do not hesitate to contact us at apgallery@sasktel.net.

Take care Debbie